8 AEW Wrestlers Who Could Follow Cody Rhodes To WWE

Who will follow the reportedly WWE-bound Cody Rhodes from AEW to Vince McMahon's empire?

Chris Jericho WWE

Unless you've been blissfully spending your time crouched underneath a wrestling/social media-free rock over the last 24 hours, you've likely stumbled upon the jaw-dropping revelation that is Cody Rhodes kissing goodbye to all things Elite.

With new information on the matter seemingly dropping by the hour, it's now becoming increasingly more likely that The American Nightmare will be showing up in Tony Khan's biggest rival's promotion in the not too distant future, with some even speculating that both the AEW Executive Vice President and his wife, Brandi, could be rocking up in Saudi Arabia by the end of the week.

What a barmy world.

But with the first-ever AEW to WWE jump all-but official - if you're counting Bea Priestly to NXT UK, you're only kidding yourself - the question of precisely who else could join the All Elite original/founder in Vinnie Mac's playground in the coming months has quickly become one of the biggest talking points in all of wrestling.

So, buckle up as your humble writer not only ponders who could be about to trade in All Elite for Sports Entertainment, but the overall chances of these other game-changing jumps actually going down in the not too distant future...

8. Dustin Rhodes - Likelihood: 50%

Chris Jericho WWE

Almost from the second Cody and Brandi Rhodes' departure from TK's world was made official on February 15, question marks over what this would mean for The American Nightmare's Nightmare Family currently occupying many corners of The Land of All Elite quickly reared their heads.

And while the likes of Lee Johnson and Brock Anderson could likely jump under the wings of just about any other seasoned veteran currently taking up the All Elite roster - still recruiting Bryan Danielson? - the future of Dustin Rhodes in particular seems an uncertain one.

Though Dustin himself has quickly taken to Twitter to announce his support of Cody and Brandi and made his intentions to stay in AEW at this current moment in time perfectly clear, the chances of him deciding to eventually hop back over to WWE for one last hurrah in the lead-up to no doubt eventually being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame feel pretty damn solid.

But, for now as Dustin put it himself, "the f***ing train keeps moving" and it'll be interesting to see how the Nightmare Family's new apparent leader will be utilised on AEW for the remainder of his contracted time with the company.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...