8 Awesome Ways For Seth Rollins To Return To WWE In 2016

2. In A Non Wrestling Role

Look, I get that this may not sound massively exciting at first glance, but there are a lot of great directions this could actually go in. Rollins is obviously going to need some time away to recuperate, but when that's passed, why not have him take on some sort of backstage role? Rollins is a funny guy, and while I'm not for a second suggesting turning him into a comedy character, it would actually be a lot of fun to see a wheelchair bound Rollins badgering The Authority and generally just being a pain in the ass as - and you had to see this coming - the new Director of Operations in the place of Corporate Kane! Kurt Angle excelled in a comedic role a few years back thanks to his interactions with Vince McMahon and Stone Cold Steve Austin behind the scenes, and Rollins too could make an impact here. As he becomes more and more well liked in this role, turning him face would be extremely easy for when he's ready to return to action, and the wheelchair gimmick (which sounds lame, but would work really well for the kind of character Rollins has established himself as over the past year) could also add to the surprise when he finally hops out of it unexpectedly and jumps back into action in a major way with the WWE Universe behind him.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.