8 Awful Lessons WWE Programming Has Taught Fans

2. Being Immature Is Heroic

Imagine that you€™re in class and the teacher has offered everyone the opportunity to move to the front of the class. All you have to do is solve an extremely hard math question. It€™s not an issue for you though because you€™ve been studying all year for this. You walk to the chalkboard and you solve the equation within seconds. Before the whole room has a chance to give you a standing applause and the women throw themselves at you, someone in the back row yells out, €œNerd!€ The whole class breaks out in laughter, including the teacher, and as a reward for being so hilarious he€™s given that front row seat instead of you. Here€™s Roman Reigns and he€™s sitting in the back of the class. Meanwhile, people like Cesaro and Dolph Ziggler have been working their lives away for a spot in the front way. There€™s a match to decide who gets to compete for the title at the next pay-per-view and Roman Reigns isn€™t included. That is until he spikes his boss€™s coffee. People will associate being funny with being the good guy because people like to laugh and anyone who makes you feel good has to be a good guy, right? Of course, Stephanie McMahon could have been pregnant the day Roman decided to take a page from the Degeneration X handbook and goof his way into the main events, or he could have given her the wrong amount and her insides could have exploded, but that€™s okay because she totally threw up on Vickie Guerrero. Hilarious.
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