8 Best Moments Of WWE's PG Era

1. Daniel Bryan Wins WWE Championship In The Main Event Of Wrestlemania XXX - April 6th 2014

For our number one moment of WWE's PG Era, it is hard to look past Daniel Bryan, arguably one of the most purely beloved wrestlers of all time. Fans LOVE Bryan with a passion rarely seen anywhere. It's the kind of love that overcomes people, with fans at several points taken to chanting for him during other wrestler's segments, or derailing matches that he wasn't participating in simply because the competitors weren't Daniel Bryan. It is easy to see why he is so popular, given that he likely the best professional wrestler in the world and serves a perfect function as the underdog in any storyline. Bryan doesn't look like a 'superstar', with his long and bushy beard and unkempt hair not fitting as the textbook definition of a star. WWE based their whole storyline around this, saying Bryan couldn't be the 'face' of the company and that he was, at best, a 'B+ player'. Fans refused to accept this, and the groundswell of support continued to grow. They didn't just WANT to see Bryan become Champion; they NEEDED it. Therefore, at this year's Wrestlemania 30, Daniel Bryan was the focus of the show. Through a series of unfortunate occurrences (CM Punk leaving; Batista's return going down like a lead balloon), WWE had to pull the trigger on Bryan, who delivered majestically. His opening match of the night with Triple H was absolutely brilliant and told a wonderful story of the underdog sticking it to his boss. When it came to the main event, where Bryan went up against Randy Orton and Batista for the title, there was really only one outcome that made sense. Hell, fans may have rioted if Bryan hadn't won, and when he finally did and had his arms raised with the two title belts, a true Cinderella story had reached it's conclusion. Confetti rained from the roof and we all watched with delight as Bryan celebrated in the ring with his family. The story of Daniel Bryan is about overcoming the odds and never giving up, no matter what obstacles are thrown in front of you, and that is why it is number one on our list. What do you think? Are there any other moments from the PG Era that deserve mentions? Let us know in the comments section below.
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