8 Biggest Turncoats In WWE History

6. Kurt Angle

The Big Show

Kurt Angle is one of those cases where he’s naturally disposed to being a villain, but at the same time, we can’t help but cheer for him. While he found his calling as a dopey, delusional heel, the man’s genuine integrity and unparalleled wrestling ability made him someone the fans could get behind in a heartbeat.

Debuting in 1999 as a geeky, self-righteous jerk, Angle eventually found himself in a face role when opposing the Steve Austin-led Alliance. Angle worked well in this role, but he soon found himself back into his tried-and-true role as a scummy heel, though this time, with a bit more of a tough-guy edge to him. Eventually, he took time off for injury, and became a universally-beloved badass. By 2004, however, he turned his coat once more to evil, and began doing naughty things such as attack Marty Jannetty and sexually assault Booker T’s wife. In early 2006, he re-emerged on SmackDown as a face, won the World Heavyweight Championship, and was the face “wrestling machine” until his departure in the summer.

Angle has returned to the company as a face, but don’t be surprised if you see him deck his son Jason Jordan in the face and once-again become his destined role of heel.

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The Big Show
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