8 Burning Questions For WWE Raw (March 2nd)

5. Which Rivalry Will Make Mania?

With four matches announced and three all-but guaranteed (including Cena/Rusev), there isn€™t much room left on the card. That might sound crazy on a four-hour PPV, but consider that WrestleMania XXX had seven matches and a dark match. WrestleManias XXVIII and XXIX each had eight matches plus a dark match. When you take this year€™s seven bouts and factor in an expected Divas match and a Tag Team Championship match, you€™re pushing the limit. So, which of these two rivalries will make it on the WrestleMania card? Miz versus Damien Mizdow, or Goldust versus Stardust? Both feuds have been simmering and growing during the past several weeks (or in the case of Miz/Mizdow, multiple months) and appear to be reaching critical mass. Something is going to have to give with both soon, and both rivalries deserve a plum PPV spot. But is there room for both matches and still giving both the time they deserve? Or will one get bumped? Seeing how the Dust Brothers already had a match at Fastlane, they appear to be the obvious choice to have a blowoff match at WrestleMania. Perhaps Miz and Mizdow will both be in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal (Miz already is announced as an entrant) and one of them will cost the other, or maybe Mizdow will win and get huge accolades, to Miz€™s chagrin. But one of these feuds needs to make a leap forward for WrestleMania on Monday.

Scott is a former journalist and longtime wrestling fan who was smart enough to abandon WCW during the Monday Night Wars the same time as the Radicalz. He fortunately became a fan in time for WrestleMania III and came back as a fan after a long high school hiatus before WM XIV. Monday nights in the Carlson household are reserved for viewing Raw -- for better or worse.