8 Craziest Fighters From The Early UFCs

2. Tank Abott (10-15)

A list like this was practically made for David 'Tank' Abbott, the former fighter, pro wrestler, and one-time Friends star, managed to find success at the highest levels of the sport despite looking like little more than the toughest guy in a bar. Despite mixed results inside the cage, Abbott managed to become a cult hero among fans, while being derided for embodying many of the stereotypes about the sport that were negatively portrayed in the media at that time.

Abbott's violent exploits in the cage were matched by his equally unpredictable actions outside of it. Tank and his crew were notorious in the early UFC events for starting fights backstage, with everyone from Ken Shamrock's entourage, Pat Smith's entourage, and Mark Coleman's team. Abbott would eventually follow in Shamrock's footsteps by transitioning into pro wrestling signing with WCW, but would find less success and resigned with the UFC in 2003.

At UFC 11 Abbott was defeated by Scott Ferrozzo, who narrowly missed out on his own entry on this list. Angry about being defeated, Abbott would exact his revenge over 15 years later when the two decided to conduct their rematch in some random guy's garden. Abbott, with his iconic beard now completely grey, managed to narrowly scrape by both, Ferrozo, and complete exhaustion to earn a punters decision victory. Surely they could've found a promoter to put this rematch on without having to fight school-style on the grass.

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