8 Disturbing WWE Raw Moments You Totally Don't Remember

4. Moppy Meets Her Maker (17 September 2001)

WWE Network

After shooting on jobber Mike Bell when he lost his temper with him in the ring, Perry Saturn was punished by WWF management... by undergoing a gimmick change, becoming supposedly brain damaged after head trauma. Saturn began acting and speaking nonsensically, allegedly as the result of a concussion, uttering the non sequitur phrase 'you're welcome' at random intervals, and falling in love with a mop, which he named 'Moppy'.

I know you have questions. I have no answers for you, apart from confirming that yes, a hugely muscled, heavily tattooed man having the mind of a child due to repeated blows to the head is a perfect storyline for a professional wrestling promotion that deals with actual concussions.

Feuding with Raven and his ex-girlfriend Terri Runnels, who was put out at being put out in favour of a kitchen cleaning tool, Saturn would find to his horror that the gruesome twosome had kidnapped his lady love and... well.

Poor Perry was, for these few weeks, surprisingly over as a sympathetic midcard babyface, and his relationship with the demure mop-next-door Moppy was a pretty popular one with fans... so when Raven fed the love of Perry's life to a woodchipper, the crowd rioted, tearing the arena apart and, finding Raven and Runnels backstage, lynching the pair of them in a carnival of gleeful vengeance. Well, either that or Saturn achieved his revenge by beating Raven at Unforgiven the week after. One of the two.

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Lita Hakushi
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.