8 Embarrassing WWE Imposters

4. Fake Razor Ramon


When Kevin Nash and Scott Hall decided to go to the rival WCW, Vince McMahon suddenly realised that hey, he owned the characters of Razor Ramon and Diesel so he was going to use them. In September 1996, Jim Ross introduced the fake Razor Ramon, played terribly by Titan/Rick Bognar, as a way to mock Hall's departure and also turn Ross heel (what a mistake that was too).

Jim Cornette was instrumental in trying to teach Bognar Razor's mannerisms but, as hard as he tried, it bombed. Incredibly, fake Razor and Diesel received a shot at the Tag Team Championships in December. The act was done by the Royal Rumble the following month.

Bognar's contract expired and he left the company soon after.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...