8 Embarrassing WWE Imposters

7. NWO Sting

WWE Network

You have to give WCW a lot of credit on this one: they had the fans (and some of the boys) fooled. When Sting decided to take a little break from the business in the mid-90s, Eric Bischoff devised a plan to keep his character on television without Sting himself actually having to do anything.

In 1996, 'Sting', who had been feuding with the nWo, showed up and attacked frequent friend/foe Lex Luger. Soon after, it was revealed that it was, indeed, an imposter. With the internet in its infancy, most fans were none the wiser for a long time. The imposter was employed to cause dissension in the WCW ranks as they feuded with the Order. When the real Sting turned up for the War Games match at Fall Brawl, he walked out on team WCW because they had turned their back on him when they thought he was the imposter.

This began the change from 'Surfer' Sting to 'Crow' Sting. He started to wander the rafters and didn't speak for a long time. nWo Sting, meanwhile, remained in a more comedic role and also performed in New Japan Pro Wrestling. But he really should have been repackaged after it was revealed that he was an imposter. The real Sting joined the nWo Wolfpac in 1998, well after the Sting/nWo Sting saga had played-out.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...