8 Embarrassing WWE Imposters

6. Another Evil Doink


The Doink character was originally conceived as a miserable clown by WWF's Hawk. Hard as it is to believe now, Doink actually debuted as a heel, wrestling a pretty basic, technically-sound style and playing tricks on wrestlers and ringside fans to amuse himself.

After months of doing this, Doink began to feud with Crush, leading to a match between the two at the disastrous WrestleMania IX. Towards the end of the slow and plodding match, Doink went out to ringside and peered under the ring. Moments later, a second Doink appeared and attacked Crush, costing him the match. Randy Savage, Bobby Heenan and Vince McMahon were priceless on commentary.

The second Doink made a few more appearances before disappearing when the original Doink turned face. Heel Doink was so much more interesting than face Doink.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...