8 Greatest WWE Authority Figure Downfalls

3. The Authority Gets Stung - Survivor Series 2014

Eleven years after Austin made what many thought would be his last walk down the aisle as an authority figure in WWE, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon entered the arena for a contest that would determine their immediate futures. Either they would lead a team of five immensely talented heels to victory over John Cena's hand-picked team or they would see their reign of terror over WWE come to an end. When Big Show turned his back on Cena, knocking him out and causing his elimination from the bout, things looked to be going according to plan for The Authority. After all, Dolph Ziggler was the only Superstar standing between them and an infinite amount of power going forward, and the Showoff was not known for winning many high-profile matches. But Ziggler showed tremendous guts and resiliency, overcoming the numbers game and eliminating two straight competitors, leaving just he and Seth Rollins. Just as it appeared as though Ziggler would do the unlikely, Triple H interfered, assaulting the former world champion and setting up a scenario in which Rollins would secure The Authority's place at the top of the WWE mountain. Then it happened. After years of speculation, Sting made his WWE debut, stalking toward the ring and laying Triple H out with a Scorpion Death Drop. From there, he placed Ziggler on top of Rollins and the official counted to three, officially bringing to an end The Authority's rule. As she had done 13 years earlier, Stephanie kicked and screamed and threw the temper tantrum any spoiled brat would when things don't go their way. Triple H, on the other hand, was left in a state of disbelief, knowing that the most power he had ever had slipped through his hands, courtesy of pro wrestling's most haunting vigilante.

Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.