8 Major WWE Superstars That Hated CM Punk

2. Stephanie McMahon

When people say that Stephanie McMahon takes after her father, they really mean it. Steph is just like Vince in so many ways. One of the key things she shares with Vince is her being a stickler for things like professionalism, loyalty, and dedication. As already discussed, many people don't exactly look at CM Punk and see the picture of professionalism. His countless tattoos, facial piercing, unfiltered mouth (and tweeting fingers), and opinionated mind make him "cool", but they don't make him the ideal employee far more often than not. With the way he presents himself, with the negative things he has said about her and her family, and with the way he walked away from wrestling, is there any surprise that reports say Steph actually does hate Punk? The word "hate" is actually used in these reports, with backstage gossip believing it to be true, based on what they've actually heard her say. Anyone who has ever paid attention knows that Steph is a "Daddy's Girl" who thinks the world of her father. Anyone who has ever paid attention knows that Steph remains madly in love with her husband, and appears to still get butterflies when she looks at him. If you're disrespecting her father and her husband, as well as having some not-so-nice things to say about her, you can damn sure bet Stephanie isn't going to be a very big fan of you. She seems to revel in shutting down the "C-M Punk" chants on WWE programming, putting on a devious smirk and going out of her way to troll the chanters. If it were up to Steph, and she certainly has a large "say", you'd never see CM Punk on WWE television again, even if Punk decided that he wanted to make a return.

Columnist/Podcaster/Director at LordsOfPain.net for nearly seven years, with nearly 2000 total columns written. Interviewed and/or involved in interviewing the likes of Tyler Black/Seth Rollins (twice), Diamond Dallas Page, Jimmy Jacobs, Christopher Daniels, Uhaa Nation and more.