8 Most Ridiculous Wrestler Injuries To Occur Outside The Ring
1. The Sid And Arn Show

Bad blood between Arn Anderson and Sid Vicious finally erupted into fisticuffs during a tour of the UK in late 1993. The two men had been drinking heavily to kill time during and after some hellacious travelling, and had gotten into an argument about drawing power and backstage politics in WCW. Tempers became frayed, then snapped completely. Drinks were thrown: but at this point, it was very much just a childish slap fight.
Matters escalated, sadly, and Sid would decide it was an excellent use of his time to visit Arn’s hotel room in the dead of night, armed with a broken chair leg. The way he tells it, as he waited for Anderson to answer the door he had a moment of clarity, seeing precisely how absurd it was, him waiting for a man to answer the door so he can beat him with the leg of a chair. Sid turned and threw the chair leg away, and then turned back upon hearing the door opening. Arn stood there, holding a small pair of hotel scissors.
Sadly, Anderson had experienced no such moment of clarity, and lunged at Sid to stab him in the belly, face and hand. Sid managed to punch Anderson to the ground, the scissors falling to the floor. Arn scrabbled for the blades, but Sid got there first…
2 Cold Scorpio says he turned the corner to see Sid stabbing Arn repeatedly with the scissors, the two men covered in blood. The pair were pulled apart, and taken to hospital. Sid would be blamed for the incident and fired from WCW, but both men made a full recovery in next to no time. Sid’s next run in the WWF would see him wrestle under the name ‘Sycho Sid’, a direct reference to this incident.
From all reports, both men are still embarrassed about the fight and that they let it become this huge ridiculous thing, and would rather forget the whole thing ever happened: two big, scary men, jabbing at each other with a tiny little pair of scissors like some kind of weird comedy double act gone horribly wrong.