8 Questions With TNA Superstar Ethan Carter III

1. Star Power

Ethan Carter Iii

You have matches scheduled at the EVOLVE iPPVs on Friday and Saturday. You obviously made a splash in your debut on May 7. I’m sure you intend to capitalise on your momentum in these follow-up appearances this weekend.

“There’s definitely going to be some mayhem, there’s definitely going to be some choice verbiage and some good, old-fashioned violence. I’m not playing a character; I’m going in there as myself.

“I’m tagging with Drew against Johnny Gargano and TJP on Friday. They have aspirations — they want to make it in this industry. I’m here to tell them that they can make it without the machine, if you truly believe in yourself.

“We’ll show them what true stardom in wrestling looks like. You’ve got six-foot-one, 230 pounds of lean-!*$% muscle in EC3, and you’re gonna have six-foot-six, 260 pounds of brute Scottish force in Drew Galloway. These are what stars are supposed to look like, these are what stars are supposed to do. They’re not supposed to do fancy moves. They’re supposed to kick !*$%, kick the living s—t out of people; that’s what stars do.

“Open contract [at EVOLVE 63] on Saturday in Orlando. Yeah, I’m going to need a little warm-up for Mike Bennett. I’m really excited to see who has the gall, the audacity, to sign that open contract. It could really be anybody. Hey, maybe Derrick Bateman will show up, and I’ll beat the dog !*$% out of him.”


The former editor of Power Slam: The Wrestling Magazine, Fin Martin has been writing about pro wrestling for nearly 25 years. His latest eBook, The Power Slam Interviews Volume 1, is available worldwide from Amazon, iBooks and Kobo. In his spare time, he enjoys walking in the Lake District.