8 Reasons WWE Is Wrong To Ditch Single-Brand PPVs

1. Keep The Brand Split Real

Survivor Series 2017

There's simply no reason to have a brand split, unless the brands are going to be truly separate.

It sounds like a simple argument, but it's an idea that WWE has lost sight of with this decision regarding its pay-per-view events. The brand split will only remain in place for as long as it remains exciting to watch both shows, knowing the performers and rivalries will be completely different to the other brand.

It's going to be impossible for WWE to maintain the appeal of separate rosters if they gather together once a month for a PPV. There will be countless segments in which superstars from different shows meet backstage for a cheap pop, telegraphing future rivalries and removing the electricity of seeing two people clash for the first time when the rosters are shuffled and they're placed together.

A brand split only works if the two shows operate essentially as if they are different organisations, rather than a mere distinction of corporate branding. By merging the red and blue rosters for every single PPV event, WWE has smashed the foundations of the split and, soon, the whole edifice is bound to come tumbling down.


Freelance film journalist and fan of professional wrestling. Usually found in a darkened screening room looking for an aisle seat and telling people to put away their mobile phones. Also known to do a bit of stand-up comedy, so I'm used to the occasional heckle.