8 Reasons WWE Needs To #GiveCesaroAChance

8. He's An Incredible Athlete

In the past, the commentary team has frequently referred to Cesaro as being the strongest man on the roster. While that's a line likely fed to them in a bid to put the Swiss Superman over, there's definitely an element of truth there, as Cesaro has shown off an amazing level of power over the years. His superplex over the top rope is proof of that, as is the fact he easily propels his fellow Superstars into the air before delivering one of his now trademark uppercuts. Cesaro has also shown off some high flying abilities when he spins himself through the air and occasionally even out of the ring! All in all, he's just an incredibly gifted athlete and an awesome technical wrestler. He had the chance to show that down in NXT thanks to his critically acclaimed matches with Sami Zayn, and the loud "This Is Awesome!" chants during his recent wrestling heavy bouts with John Cena have also allowed Cesaro to show what he's capable of. Even in brief squash matches he impresses, and surely the company realises what an asset this man is to them? If his recent would be push is anything to go by, they do, and as one of the - if not the - best wrestler in the WWE right now, it's vital that they capitalise on that sooner rather than later.
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