8 Reasons WWE Realised The Undertaker Vs. Braun Strowman Would Suck

7. Kevin Owens Exists

It€™s really maddening to think that WWE would so carelessly waste what could potentially €“ and probably should be - The Undertaker€™s last Mania match on Braun Strowman when they have the ideal opponent right there under their nose. Kevin Owens doesn€™t have anyone lined up for the big event €“ although both AJ Styles and Sami Zayn are possibilities €“ and he would be absolute money against The Deadman. Owens is a throwback to the dying days of genuine heel heat and is an expert at riling up the crowd, even one such as the current WWE audience who so desperately wants to cheer him. The recent Instagram video from a live event where he taunts the child at ringside is classic, and one of the reasons why he€™s so great at his job; he embraces the little things. A program between KO and Taker could be the shot in the arm that this dismal Mania card needs, and Owens allegedly pitched such a program himself. Reports coming out suggest that Undertaker€™s new opponent is someone €œno one would expect€ so we can only hope that Owens has managed to insert himself into that position. Reports are that it was shot down, but we can dream.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.