8 Signs The Undertaker Is Retiring At WrestleMania 33

1. Roman's Comments To Shawn Michaels

Raw The Undertaker

With all due respect, The Undertaker retired you. And I’m the guy that’s gonna retire him.”

That’s what Roman Reigns said to Shawn Michaels on the March 13th episode of RAW, cutting arguably one of the most heelish promos of his WWE career.

The very fact that WWE is teasing The Undertaker’s forced retirement should come as a pretty tell-tale sign. In previous years, the conversation has predominantly revolved around whether or not an opponent can beat The Undertaker, not whether or not they can retire The Undertaker. Even the inclusion of HBK serves as some savvy foreshadowing for Taker’s retirement – why would WWE have the man The Undertaker retired confront Roman Reigns if they weren’t leading up to The Deadman’s final match?

WWE has planted these seeds for a reason, and that reason could very well be The Undertaker's legitimate retirement after a stellar 30+ year career.


Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.