8 Terrible Excuses Adults Use To Justify Watching Wrestling

1. "It's A Guilty Pleasure"

Nope. Pack that in. Put simply, in terms of the TV that you watch, there is no such thing as a guilty pleasure. There are programmes you like and programmes you don't like. If you like watching something, why would you justify it to yourself and others as 'it's ok, I do watch it, but I make sure I feel bad about it afterwards.' Watching wrestling hurts nobody, and your enjoyment of it is nobody's business but your own. For years, I called wrestling my 'guilty pleasure', but all that did was qualify every great match that creative strove to book, that talent worked tirelessly to execute and that promotions like WWE spent countless man hours to light, shoot and edit, as somehow inherently bad. Looking bad, it's pretty damn disrespectful. WWE, and much of wrestling, is often dumb, often frustrating, and often regressive in terms of social politics, but if I stopped loving it, I'd stop watching it, and that's the entirety of the argument. It doesn't matter that it's fake, it doesn't matter that a lot of my friends don't like it, wrestling's past and future don't matter. Do I still enjoy it? Somehow, yes. Does that make me feel the slightest bit of guilt? Nope.
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Content Producer

Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.