8 Things About Wrestling That Just Don’t Make Sense

5. Attempting Quick Pinfalls In Heated Grudge Matches

This is the one thing in wrestling that annoys me more than most. It is something that happens all the time and, unlike most of the other entries on this list, doesn€™t even make sense from a creative point of view. In fact if anything it takes away from the storyline and the excitement of the match. So here€™s the scenario, you have two wrestlers that hate each other within the storyline (or in real life if their names are Edge and Matt Hardy). You start building a feud between them. €œI€™m going to kill you for not inviting me to your birthday party!€ one might scream at the other one week. The next week the other will yell back €œI€™m going to take my time punishing you for those rude remarks you made about my granny!€ (admittedly there€™s a reason why I€™m not writing storylines for WWE). This goes on and on for weeks with both wrestlers threatening to show no mercy and beat their opponent to a pulp. Then the night of their PPV match finally arrives and two minutes into the match one of the wrestlers tries to win with a roll-up pin! What happened to the long drawn out punishment you promised? This is the man that abducted your pet turtle €˜Herman€™ for crying out loud! Why are you trying to let him off the hook this easily?! It just doesn€™t make sense!
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AJ Lee
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Sports betting enthusiast whose main interests are rugby, football and MMA. Also a huge WWE fan and a self diagnosed TV & movies addict, with a particular love of anything Marvel or Dan Harmon related.