8 Things Fans Want To See At WWE Payback 2016

1. AJ Styles To Win

Finn Balor Payback.jpg

If you offered most fans - or at least fans in our slightly smarky mould - the chance to see Finn Balor debut at Fastlane or AJ Styles win the championship, they'd probably take the latter.

Balor's debut would of course be electrifying on Sunday, but can realistically take place at other events. Styles winning the title, on the other hand, would be totally groundbreaking.

However, I'll say it again: the chances of AJ defeating Roman Reigns are incredibly slim. WWE are not going to cut their golden boy's reign short so soon after WrestleMania 32, and I still firmly believe that he'll go into SummerSlam as champion (and will probably keep the belt for longer still).

Despite this, imagine if Styles did actually win; all the negativity surrounding WWE's recent handling of the main event scene would flip. It's a result that could truly usher in a new era, and as unlikely as it is, it must be considered many fans' key desire going into Fastlane.

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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.