8 Things We Learned From WWE Untold: ECW’s 2nd Coming

2. The Miz Was Told ECW Was His Last Chance

The Miz John Morrison Evan Bourne

The final 10 minutes of the doc put a positive spin on things. They depict a brand swimming upstream without a hope in hell of succeeding, and a success-starved locker room of young wrestlers and main roster failures desperate to make it work. That, to WWE at least, sums up ECW between 2008-2010.

The Miz is a prime example.

When he was traded from SmackDown to ECW in 2007's supplemental draft, Miz was pulled aside by a WWE producer and warned this was his last chance. He'd been on Tough Enough, he'd been on Raw and then on SmackDown. Nothing had worked, and now he had to start right from the bottom again to prove his worth.

Forming a tag-team with John Morrison rebuilt Miz's confidence to the point that he realised he could become someone the company was proud of. Without that shot in the arm (or, being honest, slap in the face at being supplementally drafted), Miz isn't sure he'd be the made man he is today.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.