8 Things WWE Must Do At NXT TakeOver: The End

7. Set Finn Balor Up For The Main Roster

Samoa Joe Finn Balor

Finn Balor is quite obviously destined for stardom on the main roster, but WWE have held off longer than anybody expected. Most of us thought Finn would involve in the recent feud between Roman Reigns and AJ Styles, perhaps aligning with Gallows and Anderson to assume control of the Bullet Club once again.

Instead, his feud with Samoa Joe has continued after a shock title loss on an NXT house show. Despite rumours (many fuelled by the Irishman himself) that he'd be appearing on Raw soon, Balor has cashed-in his rematch clause for the NXT Championship.

The only solution here is for TakeOver: The End to represent Finn's final NXT hurrah - without making his impending main roster debut too obvious. Keeping him in developmental much longer risks provoking the impatience of many fans.

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