8 Things You Didn’t Realise Were Banned In WWE

6. Independent Merchandise

WWE Pets

For the longest time, WWE have made mountains of cash out of the merchandise they sell with their various stars' faces and branding slapped all over it.

Now, the wrestlers attached to those specifics pieces of apparel or accessories do take home a percentage of the profits made from this merch. But if they feel like broadening their horizons and earning some extra dollar from their likeness outside of the company, the chances are they're going to land themselves in hot water with old Vinnie Mac; Which doesn't sound like the sort of bath anyone would enjoy.

This is due to the fact that most stars sign a contract with the company which states that WWE alone owns the rights to use their IP (intellectual property) for manufacture and sale of merchandise. Therefore, if a WWE star chooses to sell their own products on Pro Wrestling Tees (as we often see AEW wrestlers do, for example) this will be seen as breaking the terms of their deal and severe repercussions will no doubt be around the corner.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...