8 Things You Learn Reading A Wrestling Magazine From 1990

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Any budding historian will tell you that one of the best places to look for information is in old newspapers and magazines of the era you are researching. There are few better insights than those that come from the adverts, features, and general information considered significant enough to be printed and spread around. That€™s why looking at old wrestling stuff can be so fun for us wrestling fans. There are so many eras and so many things that we all have inevitably missed because of factors out of our hands, and it€™s hard to get a picture of how fans felt at the time about these famous events. Most of our information about the past comes from WWE since they are the only major company left standing that has the resources to tell history. Additionally, this means that obviously we get a very one-sided view of the past and particular perspective of what was important. If you€™re wanting to learn some things about the past that doesn€™t have the baggage of being owned by WWE, or if you just enjoy reading magazines, there is nothing better than reading the old magazines from a simpler wrestling time. Case in point €“ this 1990 Year In Review issue from the well known Bill Apter magazine, Pro Wrestling Illustrated. There is plenty of awesome information that pops up, just from having a quick flick through its pages. Here are eight observations that leaped out at me as I thumbed through its old pages€
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Contributor for WhatCulture across the board, and professional student. Sports obsessed. Movie nerd. Wrestling tragic. Historical junkie. I have only loved three things my entire life: my family, Batman, and the All Blacks.