8 Things You Learn Reading A Wrestling Magazine From 1990

6. That Bret Hart Guy Had Potential

One of the coolest things about going over old magazines and materials from the wrestling world is seeing whether or not the writers and contributors were able to pick the future superstars of the business. I remember reading one in 1998 that referenced Shannon Moore as being a future superstar€and sadly it€™s safe to say his career didn€™t quite live up to those expectations (even though he was admittedly a perfectly fine wrestler). In this issue, they hit the nail on the head in focusing on a young Bret Hart, who in 1990 had only really wrestled as part of the Tag Team the Hart Foundation and was yet to make a name for himself. The article starts by talking about how Bret had to wrestle on Thanksgiving when his older brother had died the day before (seriously €“ what the hell is it with this family?), and how his €˜scientific grappling€™ was leaving people €˜in awe€™. One of the last lines in the article is certainly one of the most prescient. Summing up his potential, the writer merely states that €˜those who follow his career closely predict that he'll win many more titles before he's true'. Considering how he came to carry the company during its darkest days of the mid-1990s (besides Shawn Michaels of course), it's safe to say they were on the money this time. Well played 1990. Well played.
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Contributor for WhatCulture across the board, and professional student. Sports obsessed. Movie nerd. Wrestling tragic. Historical junkie. I have only loved three things my entire life: my family, Batman, and the All Blacks.