8 Times Wrestlers Were Rewarded For Bad Behaviour

6. Matt Hardy - Blog Rant Leads To Huge Angle

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When Matt Hardy decided to make a legitimate affair between his then-girlfriend Lita and Edge public knowledge via an online blog in 2005, WWE clearly felt that the age-old adage of all being fair in love and war clearly didn't apply here.

After parting ways with Hardy in April, though, the company soon realised there was money to be made in this real-life drama once fans started to target Edge and Lita in various arenas, with the latter being savagely booed and blasted with "You screwed Matt!" chants despite playing a face at the time.

In the end, Hardy was brought back into the WWE fold and thrown straight into a highly anticipated feud with his bitter love rival. Though he'd ultimately lose the programme and soon be shipped off to SmackDown post-defeat, his decision to air the three stars' dirty laundry in public eventually opened the door for a level of spotlight he'd not yet experienced as a singles performer.

Had Matt swallowed his pride and kept his heartache private, would he still have been rewarded with such a spot? As depressing as it may be to admit, at that moment in time, probably not...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...