8 Times Wrestling Carnies Got Out-Carnied

5. The Ultimate Warrior Legally Changes His Name So He Can Use It Elsewhere

Cody Rhodes Brandi Wink

As this list will highlight again before its end, WWE would typically do all they could to ensure stars who made a name for themselves within their company wouldn't have a chance to use that title elsewhere should they depart at some point. 

They did this by trademarking said name/moniker, but even that ultimately couldn't keep a certain Warrior from roaring into another place of work as under that very handle.

After the star left WWE in 1992, it wasn't long before he legally decided to change his name to "Warrior", with the two parties later ending up in court to decide who legally owned the "Warrior" and "Ultimate Warrior" gimmicks. 

And Warrior's plan to outsmart the carnie known as Vince McMahon only went and worked, with the court eventually ruling that the one-time Jim Hellwig was now legally allowed to use that "Warrior" name and gimmick.

The star who out-carnied one of wrestling's most infamous carnies would then continue on as simply "Warrior" right up to the point of his death in April 2014.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...