8 Times Wrestling Carnies Got Out-Carnied
3. Kevin Nash And Scott Hall Got Raises Because WCW Worried They Were Going Back To WWE

After Lex Luger showed up in WCW, another pair of one-time WWE stars decided to jump over to work with Eric Bischoff and co in 1996.
Those carnies Kevin Nash and Scott Hall had only recently agreed to do business with, however, soon experienced a bit of a shock when they learned WWE were planning to bring back Diesel and Razor Ramon.
Did this mean Nash and Hall were secretly looking to pull a fast one on their new bosses? Well, that's what the folks at WCW thought, and that's why they swiftly dumped an improved five-year deal in front of both men, whilst letting them know "you're not going to pull this on us."
Despite knowing full well they weren't returning to WWE and they had nothing to do with whatever nonsense they were cooking over there, both men kept their traps shut and out-carnied the likes of Bischoff and WCW Vice President Nick Lambros by happily signing these better deals.
And sure enough, when everyone sat around to watch that incoming arrival of Razor and Diesel in WWE, it soon became clear that WCW had just been worried about a bunch of fakers.
This night well be apocrypha, but it's funny, so it stays in.