8 Ups & 2 Downs For AEW Collision (12 August)

1. More Needless QTV Nonsense

AEW Collision Nick Comoroto Aaron Solo Miro

Powerhouse Hobbs bringing back his Book of Hobbs and calling out Miro? Yes! Yes,please!

Unfortunately, the excitement of this development was soon dunked on by the presence of QTV goons Aaron Solo and Nick Comoroto.

Sure, we now know that we'll be getting Hobbs vs. Miro at All Out in three weeks, but anything that QT Marshall or his QTV group is involved with just gets tarnished by their presence.

For Hobbs' part, he's recently tried to distance himself from Marshall and his squad, and we have questions on whether Powerhouse really was unaware that Solo and Comoroto were going to attack Miro here, but Hobbs just feels needlessly bogged down by the weight of QTV.

Your writer is actually a fan of Aaron Solo's, and Nick Comoroto clearly has some major upside, though anything involving QTV right now just totally stinks up whatever the faction is involved in.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.