8 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE NXT (Jul 13)

4. Hudson Progresses, Jiro Shines

Duke Hudson

The idea behind a Breakout tournament is to give a platform to a whole host of new faces to shine bright for the world to see. So, you'll be pleased to hear that both Ikemen Jiro and Duke Hudson did precisely that during their first round opener last night.

In fact, there's an argument to be made that it was Jiro who came out of the clash with the rub, boasting a vibrant blazer as he moonsaulted and tarantula'd his way into the hearts of those in the CWC. However, Hudson was the powerhouse player left progressing into the next round of the competition on the back of Bossman slamming the head-standing star into next week out of nowhere.

Hudson oozes star power and charisma, whilst also exuding just the right amount of cocky charm. That will ensure most fans are left clamouring for him to get his comeuppance on a weekly basis. And those early Wade Barrett comparisons are more than apt.

Jiro will come again, however, and could find himself in a similar position to Cameron Grimes down the line as he too possessed a similar 'it' factor early into the last Breakout tournament.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...