8 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (July 16)

7. Vince McMahon’s Opening Line

Vince McMahon WWE SmackDown

Take a bow, Vinnie Mac.

Oh, he did. Literally. The boss came out to kick off SmackDown and ribbed fans by asking, "Where the hell have you been?!". Then, just like that, McMahon turned around and walked back through the curtain. His appearance was short, sweet and to the point.

This is the way to use Vince in 2021. He shouldn't be coming out there and cutting long, rambling promos. Nor should he be seeking PR brownie points by pretending that WWE isn't a business obsessed with making money. Everyone in attendance loved this McMahon cameo, and why not?

It's hard to hate on this, it really is. Vince's enduring star power means he'll always get a pop, and he was clearly getting his jollies from hearing Houston bellow, "NO CHANCE IN HELL" at the top of their lungs. What a cool opening this was.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.