8 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (July 16)

4. Finn Bálor’s Return

Finn Balor WWE SmackDown

There's a reason why Sami Zayn's heel rant is ranked higher than Baron Corbin's here.

Zayn is super-slick on the stick. His conspiracy rant cleverly included some crowd participation (which Sami quickly shut down), and it was fab generally. The heel did a wonderful job of annoying everyone so that they'd be even happier when Finn Bálor returned to the "main roster" with a thump.

People were very happy to see Finn. Maybe he didn't get the overwhelming reaction of a star like Edge or Roman Reigns, but it was hardly crickets when he came out. WWE's big challenge now will be making sure that this run is better than his last on Raw. That fizzled out before NXT totally revitalised Bálor's career.

There's an argument to be made that this babyface spot should be a one-off too. Finn was dazzling as a heel on NXT, and he's much better at that role than he ever was as the smiling baby. WWE must learn from the past or be doomed to repeat it, but this was a nice moment.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.