8 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE Raw (16 Sept - Results & Review)

4. Bron & Jey Go Full Hard Sell

WWE Raw Jey Uso Bron Breakker

There are two Jey Usos that coexist on Raw: there’s the Yeet Mode guy who is basically a caricature, and then there’s the stone-cold serious Main Event Jey Uso who looks like a threat to any title at any time.

Jey brought both versions to the ring on Monday night, starting out with a halting call-and-answer promo about being on the cusp of winning his first singles title in WWE. Thankfully, Bron Breakker came out quickly to put the kibosh on the crowd-pleasing version of Uso.

Breakker continued his trend of referencing both of their families, noting that he achieved more as a singles star in six months than Jey had in 14 years, and he did it without relying on his family or even his family name. Bron promised to expose Jey as nothing without his family.

That’s when Uso lost his “Yeet” sunglasses and dropped the goofiness, getting right in Breakker’s face. He pointed out that he was winning titles when Bron was still in diapers (maybe not quite true, but…) and promised to “dog walk” the Intercontinental Champion. And just to make it a bit personal (and seasonal), Jey added that the match (and Bron’s IC title reign) might end up “short and sweet, just like [Breakker’s] NFL career.”

Cue the brawl, which got cut short when Uso caught Breakker and cut him in half with a spear – just as Bron was winding up to deliver one himself.

As a feud, Jey/Bron hasn’t been the greatest, but the right elements have always been there, and Breakker has looked more and more like a breakout star. Monday’s exchange only furthered that belief. Uso’s Jekyll and Hyde routine doesn’t always work, but him switching gears when Bron appeared struck the right note. Solid work all around.

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Scott is a former journalist and longtime wrestling fan who was smart enough to abandon WCW during the Monday Night Wars the same time as the Radicalz. He fortunately became a fan in time for WrestleMania III and came back as a fan after a long high school hiatus before WM XIV. Monday nights in the Carlson household are reserved for viewing Raw -- for better or worse.