8 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE NXT Halloween Havoc 2022

3. An Insert That Wasn’t Needed

WWE NXT Halloween Havoc 2022 Shotzi Quincy Elliott Lash Legend

Despite some neat interplay between the actual hosts, this mid-show break interruption from Lash Legend tanked. Shotzi and Quincy Elliott tried their best with poor material (those f*cking banana jokes, man), but they were right up against it in front of a crowd who just wanted more wrestling.

Arguing with Lash about who deserved to host Halloween Havoc was a complete and utter waste of everybody's time. The show didn't need this at all. Worse, it was sandwiched between a string of vignettes for main roster stars and merch ads.

Why did a show running less than three hours need this intermission? WWE hardly need to pad things out on their own streaming services, and it's not like anybody would've bitched had 'Quincy The Banana' been omitted from the Havoc formats.



Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.