8 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE Raw (July 10)


4. Still Hard To Take These Guys Seriously

Indus Sher

WWE slotted in a short vignette for Indus Sher. During it, Jinder Mahal hyped the act up and pretty much promised they'd be wrecking havoc on Raw again soon. Yeah, it's eh...difficult to care much considering WWE's recent track record with this kind of "monster' tag-team.

Everybody knows the deal here - creative will be high on Indus Sher for a week or two, then get bored and they'll end up in some comedic situation. All they need to do is look sideways at The Viking Raiders for proof of that. Granted, The Vikings are doing their best with it, but it'd be nice to see one of these "monster" acts come through unscathed.

Indus Sher won't be the one. Sorry, Jinder!

Booking Mahal as more of a manager is something fresh for him, to be fair. Things have just been too start-stop for these dudes since coming back together as a group again though. Hopes are hardly high that things will be different this time around.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.