8 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night's NXT (5 Feb)

7. Riddle Me This

Pete Dunne Matt Riddle

Here's the thing right, the opening promo between Matt Riddle, Pete Dunne, Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly wasn't particularly good.

No, honestly. The writing on it was a bit hokey, the delivery of some of the lines felt incredibly hammy, and it did precisely nothing to really further the feud for the upcoming Takeover: Portland Tag Team Championship match. Strictly speaking, that's a bad promo for a wrestling show to open with, but for NXT it was a breath of fresh air so strong, you can't normally get it without opening a window in Riddle's living room.

NXT is an intense wrestling show. The matches are intense, the promos are intense, the beatdowns are intense and the whole thing rattles through it's two hours without ever giving you a chance to catch your breath or... laugh. "How much fish could Bobby Fish fry if Bobby Fish could fry fish is stupid", but it's also hilarious and immediately got over.

It popped everyone in full sail, further cemented the Broserweigts as the most entertaining thing on the show, rattled their upcoming opponents, and didn't have a single line of corporate, scripted WWE buzz words. If I've said it once, I've said it a million times. Just. Let. The. Wrestlers. Talk.

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