In the same way as the IWC doesnt really exist anymore in the same form as it did a decade or more ago, theres not really any such thing as dirtsheets in 2016. Theyre a throwback to an era when insider gossip was spread around in glorified fanzines and similar. If you read some backstage report online with supposed insider information, chances are that its been copy n pasted almost verbatim from somewhere else, and that somewhere else is likely to be the subscriber-only sections of websites like Dave Meltzers Wrestling Observer Newsletter (WON), which merged with Bryan Alvarez Figure Four Weekly site in 2008. Meltzer & Co. and the smart fan contingent that gradually grew up around the dirtsheets from the mid-eighties onwards have been a thorn in the side of wrestlers and wrestling promoters for thirty years... when they werent avidly scanning the WONs pages for mention of their events and angles. For an example of the split personality the wrestling business displays towards the dirtsheets, look at Bret Hart. In his memoir, he constantly refers to his pride in getting good reviews and five-star matches, clipping out articles on himself to wave about in Vince McMahons face as evidence of his ability, while treating Meltzer himself as the enemy, a viper in their midst. Well, the pro wrestling industry still has that exact same love/hate thing going on. They rag on the dirtsheets, mocking the accuracy of their so-called insider information, backstage reports and locker room gossip (despite knowing that the WON has an excellent hit rate for their published scuttlebutt). Repeat something youve read on the WON or elsewhere online, and if youre lucky youll get a wryly amused reply. For example, the easy-going, self-deprecating Sean X-Pac Waltman has a good relationship with his fans on Twitter: he employs gentle sarcasm, for the most part. But many will simply rip you to pieces and then block you.
Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.