8 Ways To Ensure A Successful Women's WrestleMania Main Event

3. Make The Feud Mean Something

And no, I don’t mean tack on some crazy stipulation like Sasha Banks will go to Smackdown Live if she gets pinned, or Bayley will have to chop off her ponytail if she taps out. I mean give the fans a reason to care about the individuals at hand, rather than rely solely on making history to draw attention. That only gets you so far.

As stated earlier, if you keep the match one-on-one, then that gives the build-up room to flourish. For example, make the champion be an absolute jerk to the challenger, and have that hubris cost the champ her title on the Grandest Stage of ‘em All. (Or as I like to call it, the Triple H Method.)

This is tried and true booking, and with Charlotte riding high as Raw's arrogant Queen of a champion, it seems a perfect fit for her to take that great big loss to catapult another Superstar. Reigniting the Dana Brooke defection subplot could further increase the intrigue, providing a delicious multi-layer dip of a story that fans will be happy to partake in.

Or, you could take a page out of Bayley's book during her 2016 program with Asuka and emphasize the challenger’s journey of struggle and vindication. Focus on her road that was mired with setbacks and hardships, and how the real quest is to prove to herself that she can overcome the toughest challenge more so than simply winning the title. Bayley's star only grew this summer as the NXT Universe delved into her motivations. As a result, her trials became our trials.

This one really writes itself if you just extrapolate any of the stories for the Four Horsewomen. Talk about Charlotte's overconfidence brought from her lineage, give Becky Lynch a chance to talk in length about her global travels, or let Bayley read that heart-wrenching school essay she wrote about her dream of becoming champion. Basically, I’m just saying don’t rest on the laurels of making history. You need a compelling story to keep people invested, and there's plenty of great material to pull from.

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Rory is a musician, writer, and wrestling fan. A native of Nashville, he has a penchant for haiku, unsolicited advice, and using the word "penchant."