8 Weirdest Horrible Bosses In WWE

6. Where We're Going We Don't Need Rhodes

On Monday Night RAW on 2nd September 2013, Cody Rhodes lost a match against his former mentor Randy Orton, and as per The Authority€™s stipulation, was fired with immediate effect. Why would such a stipulation be placed on the match? Because Rhodes had dared to question the decisions of the almighty Authority: it was punishment for insubordination. Now, it€™s a kayfabed firing: in real life, Cody needed time off to get married. In the storyline, however, Dustin €˜Goldust€™ Runnels came to the following week€™s RAW to ask for his brother€™s job back, and went through the same grinder: he lost a non-title match with Orton and as a consequence failed to get Cody€™s job back. The following week, it was Dustin and Cody€™s father, €˜The American Dream€™ Dusty Rhodes who came, cap in hand, to ask for Cody€™s job back €“ he was suckerpunched and knocked out, leading to Cody and Goldy gatecrashing RAW and jumping the Shield. In revenge for all this, The Authority don€™t have the two Rhodes boys arrested for trespassing or assault€ no, they make a non-title match between two free agents that they don€™t want on the roster and the Shield, at the next pay-per-view, with the stipulation that, should they lose, they will be banned from WWE forever, and their father fired as NXT trainer. Let€™s get this straight: this angle essentially states that the brothers Rhodes are good enough to wrestle the tag team champions at a pay-per-view, but not good enough to employ on the roster. Added to that, despite the fact that Cody Rhodes remaining unemployed is what The Authority actually want, they€™ve allowed him a third chance in less than a month to get his job back, and ensured that both he and his Hall-Of-Fame-worthy older brother will be sufficiently motivated to win this time, by threatening their father. Does this actually make sense to anyone?

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.