8 Weirdest Horrible Bosses In WWE

4. Eazy E Just Can€™t Let The Past Go

In mid-2005, former WCW boss Eric Bischoff was three years into a three and a half year run as the general manager of Monday Night RAW. He€™d been a heel authority figure for the first part of that run, before turning babyface in late 2004. However, no one would ever buy Eazy E, the smarmiest, most annoying heel boss in wrestling history, as a fan favourite. He€™d turn heel again with the revival of the ECW product, as commercials began appearing on RAW for the first One Night Stand pay-per-view. Apparently, despite being one of the central figures of authority in the company, the commercials were the first Bischoff had heard of the special event. It turned out that Bischoff had (kayfabe) taken credit for the demise of ECW, just as Vince McMahon had (kayfabe and in real life) taken credit for the collapse of WCW. This was ironic, as in real life ECW had folded for the same reason that WCW had €“ the cancellation of their respective national television deals, which made it impossible for both struggling, debt-ridden promotions to climb out of the hole they were in €“ and ceased operating nine days after WCW was sold to McMahon to use as a chew toy. But no, Eazy E claimed that he€™d taken all the best ideas €“ and best performers €“ from ECW, used them better, and so forced them into bankruptcy. Bischoff had some serious hate on for ECW, and promptly banned any version of €˜extreme€™ moves or matches from RAW, along with banning any ex-ECW wrestlers currently working on RAW from participating in the pay-per-view. So... Bischoff claimed to have killed ECW by doing ECW better than ECW, yet when ECW began to resurface, he did the exact opposite: ordering all ECW-related activity on RAW to cease immediately, thereby making the reborn ECW the only extreme game in town and increasing demand for the pay-per-view. Oh yeah, he€™s a freakin€™ business genius.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.