8 Wrestlers Who Did Better Things In Retirement

7. Kurrgan

Albert Matt Bloom
WWE/Warner Bros.

As the Truth Commission's interrogator Kurrgan, seven foot tall Robert Maillet towered over the WWE roster during his brief Attitude era run - but he could never reach the top.

Kurrgan's literal upside was obvious, but attempts to push him as face-squeezing monster in the mode of Giant Gonzalez or The Great Khali once Jackyl's stable disbanded amounted to nothing. In the ring, he was just as good - which is to say, just as bad - as either Harvey Wippleman's eight-foot sasquatch or the Punjabi Playboy, but the 1998 emergence of Kane precluded the usual programme with The Undertaker, and an inevitably sh*te match. The usual monster to light relief depreciation was accelerated in Maillet's case, and fairly swiftly he was prancing about in tie-dye shirts and striped pantaloons.

Maillet couldn't cut it in the ring, but there was no denying the spectacle of his physiognomy. Hollywood agreed, and in 2006 his considerable frame was cast in Zack Snyder's Spartan romp 300. There was more life to come in the Über-immortal's silver screen career; in 2009, Maillet bagged a part in Sherlock Holmes, before notably going on to star in Pacific Rim and Deadpool 2. The oddity had became a commodity.

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Benjamin was born in 1987, and is still not dead. He variously enjoys classical music, old-school adventure games (they're not dead), and walks on the beach (albeit short - asthma, you know). He's currently trying to compile a comprehensive history of video game music, yet denies accusations that he purposefully targets niche audiences. He's often wrong about these things.