8 Wrestlers Who Performed Into Their 50s

1. Ric Flair

Terry Funk

It looked for a moment as though Ric Flair would be trading in the spandex for a suit and tie when he became Vince McMahon's business partner in 2002, but he quickly took up a more hands-on role as Triple H's lapdog, and just kept going. And going. And going.

Flair was a regular competitor both on Monday nights and pay-per-views during Evolution's WWE stranglehold in the early 2000s. Even after the stable dissolved he carried on as a singles star right up until 2008, when Vince told him he would have to retire the next time he lost a match (and then put him in matches with Mr Kennedy and MVP, instead of the Royal Rumble).

The curtain was finally brought down on his career after a poginant blow-off match with Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania XXIV, and he hasn't set foot in the ring since.

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Terry Funk
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