8 Wrestlers Who Turned Down Big Money WWE Deals

2. The Rock

Bret Hart Wonga

Forbes' list of the highest-paid actors in Hollywood last year put Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in second place, with gross earnings of $65 million. Only Mark Wahlberg, on $68 million, takes home more (there's no accounting for taste).

We can probably say with a degree of certainty that, whatever Vince McMahon offered his biggest-ever mainstream star in 2002 to remain a full-time professional wrestler, it was significantly less than that. Maybe, like, 10% of that - with bonuses?

Still, it was, at the time, something of a bold move from the People's Champion. He had just turned 30 - which is kind of old to be breaking into America's film industry - and he was virtually guaranteed to be WWE's top dog given that Stone Cold was on the way out.

But the last 15 years speak for themselves. Rock has not only vindicated his decision to reject the chance to stay in wrestling, but he's now reached the point where Hollywood producers would be mourning his loss should he ever decide to get back in spandex full-time (which he obviously won't - so keep dreaming).

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Bret Hart
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