8 Wrestling Moves That Really Wouldn’t Hurt At All

4. Giant Swing

It's certainly a visual spectacle, but Cesaro's Giant Swing is going to hurt as much as a merry-go-round.

Presumably, the idea of the swing is to dizzy and disorient your opponent, but given that this requires the Kind of swing to spin at the same time, it's like choke slamming whilst punching yourself in the face - it's going to hurt you just as much.

You can definitely hurt somebody by spinning them around thanks to a little thing called G-force, but astronauts and pilots put in a human centrifuge prove that the human body can easily withstand 9g for several minutes without any ill-effects.

Despite being much loved by fans, swinging someone around then gently placing them on the ground is how you play with your nephew, not win a wrestling match.


Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.