8 Wrestling Offences You Didn't Know Could Be A Disqualification

6. Attacking A Manager

It€™s well established that if a manager becomes physically involved in a contest and is spotted by the ref, the bell will be called and the offending manager and wrestler will be disqualified. However, it seems that, according to the hallowed rulebook of wrestling, a competitor is barred from laying their hands on an opponent€™s manager. This too can result in a DQ for the offending wrestler. It€™s another example of a rule that is not well established and is rarely enforced. Fans have often seen a manager get beaten up, usually to a chorus of cheers. For example, whenever a competitor would attack Bobby €œThe Brain€ Heenan in the middle of a contest, he would not be DQ€™ed. Instead, the ref would simply encourage the wrestler to get back in the ring, and leave it at that. Furthermore, this rule is much less relevant in today€™s day and age with so few managers. In the late 80s and early 90s, it seemed that nearly every superstar was associated with a manager or valet. Today, there are only a handful of stars that require the assistance of a manager at ringside.

Douglas Scarpa is a freelance writer, independent filmmaker, art school graduate, and pro wrestling aficionado -- all of which mean he is in financial ruin. He has no backup plan to speak of, yet maintains his abnormally high spirits. If he had only listened to the scorn of his childhood teachers, he wouldn't be in this situation.