8 WWE Booking Steps For Goldberg After Brock Lesnar Squash
7. Heyman Pulls The Ruse

A few weeks pass. The dust from Goldberg vs. Lesnar finally starts settling, and a handful of shows have passed without the Beast making an appearance. WWE spend this time building-up Goldberg’s next appearance, and he arrives on an episode of Raw to finally cut his victory promo and thank the crowd for their support through his comeback.
With his son and wife in the front row, Goldberg reiterates how much it meant for them to finally see him wrestle. He’s mid-sentence when Lesnar’s music hits, and Goldberg quickly adopts a defensive stance. Paul Heyman eventually appears from backstage after 20-30 seconds of solid tension, but there’s no Lesnar tonight.
Heyman explains that his client is not in the building, then discredits Goldberg’s Survivor Series win. As he’s doing so, Goldberg remains guarded and edgy, sensing he’s being set-up. Paul realises that Bill isn’t taking the bait, so he returns to the one goading tactic that had served him and Lesnar well in the previous build-up: Goldberg’s family.
An off-colour remark triggers Goldberg, and he takes Heyman by the throat. This is all the distraction Lesnar needs to emerge from the crowd, and F5 Goldberg in front of his family. Brock continues putting the boots to Goldberg, but Foley and his army of security guards spew from the backstage area. The Beast and his advocate leave through the crowd, and Raw closes on a fuming Bill Goldberg.