8 WWE Hell In A Cell 2016 Results Predictions

Will it be a home banker for Sasha? Can Seth rock the Universal champ?

WWE Hell in a Cell 2016

Believe it or not, another WWE pay-per-view is upon us. Yes, it may only seem like mere weeks since No Mercy - because it was only mere weeks since No Mercy - but already it's Raw's turn to present their second brand-exclusive show. Hard to keep up, isn't it?

Even WWE themselves seem to be struggling to stay on top of things, with the necessary build for Survivor Series on both shows interfering with this upcoming event, leaving it feeling somewhat secondary. Let's face it: whilst Raw has had two months to build towards this event, it already feels like focus is elsewhere. Hence, there's only one match on the card that really seems to have any long-term significance - the rest has a general feeling of 'filler' about it.

We're talking Sasha-Charlotte here. As the first ever female Hell in a Cell match and the show's possible main event, expectations are understandably high. But what else can we expect from the show? There are seven more matches on the card after all, amongst them Kevin Owens defending his Universal Title against an angry Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns aiming to stop the Bulgarian Brute Rusev in his tracks.

What will transpire, and how will the finishes lead to the clearly more important Survivor Series next month? Time to rub our crystal ball again...

8. Nese, Gulak, And Ariya To Dazzle In Defeat

WWE Hell in a Cell 2016

Let's start off in convincing fashion by saying I have absolutely no idea who is likely to win this late addition to the card's pre-show. But this is appropriate: a throwaway, afterthought of a prediction for a throwaway, afterthought of a match.

Since the cruiserweights moved up to the main roster, their stock has fallen considerably. It's not their fault: it's entirely clear those booking Raw (read: Vince) have no idea what to do with the flippy stars, and little interest in learning. Hence, a thrown-together six-man contest relegated to the card's build-up.

For the sake of argument, we'll go with Alexander, Dorado, and Sin Cara to take the victory. Whilst the result is entirely immaterial in a match of this sort, hopefully all six guys can shine to add a bit of gloss back onto the division - but it'll only be possible if they're given sufficient time.

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Editorial Team

Benjamin was born in 1987, and is still not dead. He variously enjoys classical music, old-school adventure games (they're not dead), and walks on the beach (albeit short - asthma, you know). He's currently trying to compile a comprehensive history of video game music, yet denies accusations that he purposefully targets niche audiences. He's often wrong about these things.