8 WWE Payback 2015 Results Predictions

3. WWE Tag Team Titles 2/3 Falls: The New Day Vs. Cesaro & Tyson Kidd

This is a potential match of the night right here. The trio of Kofi Kingston, Big E and Xavier Woods have been very entertaining as the heel tag team champions. They cheat whenever they can, they celebrate their cheating and when they get wins they keep on celebrating. It's so much different than their boring work as faces. Cesaro and Kidd are doing an even better job as faces than they were as heels. That shouldn't be a surprise because they are great workers with a lot of experiences that can do pretty much anything in a match, but the crowd has really warmed up to them as faces. What's unique about 2 out of 3 falls is that The New Day will likely change participants in each fall of the match. For example, they could start with Woods and Kingston in fall one, then go to Woods and Big E in fall two and then finish with Kingston and Big E in the final fall. Then the announcers can point out that they are the fresher team for that reason. Either team could win this one. We know with Elimination Chamber coming up in two weeks there will be a Tag Title Match inside the chamber, so the winners and losers are likely going to be in that anyway. It feels like it's too soon to take the titles off The New Day since they won them three weeks ago. They are doing a great job as champions and should continue on in that role. Hopefully this match gets 15-20 minutes because if it does then it could be one of the best pure WWE tag team matches of all time. Winners: The New Day Retain Tag Team Titles

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.